jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009


Importance and/or gravity of the alteration that as resulting from takes place in the quality of the resources visual activities or predicted uses of the ground (or or developed) in or next to a landscape. A visual impact contributes to the reduction in the scenic values. Degree of alteration produced in the visual resources and the reaction of the observer as opposed to those resources.
Any impact in the morphology of the land, waters, the vegetation or an introduction of one structure that alters negatively or interrupts the visual character of the landscape and destroys the harmony of the natural elements. To see: LANDSCAPE, AESTHETIC RESOURCE.


The management concept has basic preliminaries corresponding to the organization, which implies that this applying in a company or a business examines some of the primary targets corresponding to the same one.
It is important to consider in this concept that no company can subsist if it does not have some type of benefit, reason why always a certain level of competition with the other companies is due to maintain that are dedicated to make and to elaborate same the products that ours. The management concept moves in an atmosphere in which, generally, the resources available are scarce and on the basis of this, the person in charge of the management must apply different formulas so that this way is managed to persuade and to motivate constantly to all the sources of the enterprise capital, with the objective to obtain that the same ones support all the projects that the company glides to undertake.
If we focused in the application of the management concept to carry out the activities of a company, is important to emphasize generally that, he himself usually it has much more application in the deprived companies of property, that more are known like the enterprise sector private. In any case we must say that the companies that belong to him to the public sector, that is to say, those that they are property of the state, also usually have good models of management, but such usually they become independent enough from which technician is the management concept more.
And it is here in where is the greatest difference, since the deprived sector, applying the concept of management in the development of its activities obtains many more gains than a company corresponding to the public sector, is for that reason that it is important to consider the tecnicidad of the concept of management like part of the enterprise management. In any case it is important also that mention of the logical fact that becomes confirms to us that the private companies count on many more resources than those of the State, and one of those resources is the technology, a tool that has helped to extend the concept of management in all the corresponding applications.
We must say that the concept of management applied to the administration of companies forces to that the same one fulfills four fundamental functions for the performance of the company; first of those functions it is planning, that is used to combine the resources with the purpose of gliding new projects that they can be income-producing for the company, in more specific terms we talked about to the planning like the global visualization of all the company and its corresponding surroundings, making the concrete decision making that can determine the most direct way towards the planned objectives. The second function that corresponds to him to fulfill to the management concept is organization in where all the resources were grouped on which the company counts, causing that works altogether, thus to obtain a greater advantage of such and having more possibilities of obtaining results.
The direction of the company on the basis of the management concept implies a very high level communication on the part of the administrators towards the employees, and this is born from having the objective to create an suitable atmosphere of work and thus to increase to the effectiveness of the work of the employees increasing the yields of the company.
The control is the final function that must fulfill the concept of management applied to the administration, since in this way the progress will be able to be quantified that it has demonstrated the personnel used as far as the objectives that had been marked them from a principle.
Having all this it has been mentioned in account, we can notice the efficiency that has the fact to carry out the administration of companies on the basis of the management concept . He himself much more contributes a high level of organization allowing so the company can evolve very well in its area of work. In the case that it undertakes a new business or a company, with the objective from which the same one arrives at great enterprise statutes, we recommended to him then that the administration corresponding to its company is prevailed by the management concept, and this way the levels were increased of possible successes that can be had in the company.


The management concept has basic preliminaries corresponding to the organization, which implies that this applying in a company or a business examines some of the primary targets corresponding to the same one.
It is important to consider in this concept that no company can subsist if it does not have some type of benefit, reason why always a certain level of competition with the other companies is due to maintain that are dedicated to make and to elaborate same the products that ours. The management concept moves in an atmosphere in which, generally, the resources available are scarce and on the basis of this, the person in charge of the management must apply different formulas so that this way is managed to persuade and to motivate constantly to all the sources of the enterprise capital, with the objective to obtain that the same ones support all the projects that the company glides to undertake.
If we focused in the application of the management concept to carry out the activities of a company, is important to emphasize generally that, he himself usually it has much more application in the deprived companies of property, that more are known like the enterprise sector private. In any case we must say that the companies that belong to him to the public sector, that is to say, those that they are property of the state, also usually have good models of management, but such usually they become independent enough from which technician is the management concept more.
And it is here in where is the greatest difference, since the deprived sector, applying the concept of management in the development of its activities obtains many more gains than a company corresponding to the public sector, is for that reason that it is important to consider the tecnicidad of the concept of management like part of the enterprise management. In any case it is important also that mention of the logical fact that becomes confirms to us that the private companies count on many more resources than those of the State, and one of those resources is the technology, a tool that has helped to extend the concept of management in all the corresponding applications.
We must say that the concept of management applied to the administration of companies forces to that the same one fulfills four fundamental functions for the performance of the company; first of those functions it is planning, that is used to combine the resources with the purpose of gliding new projects that they can be income-producing for the company, in more specific terms we talked about to the planning like the global visualization of all the company and its corresponding surroundings, making the concrete decision making that can determine the most direct way towards the planned objectives. The second function that corresponds to him to fulfill to the management concept is organization in where all the resources were grouped on which the company counts, causing that works altogether, thus to obtain a greater advantage of such and having more possibilities of obtaining results.
The direction of the company on the basis of the management concept implies a very high level communication on the part of the administrators towards the employees, and this is born from having the objective to create an suitable atmosphere of work and thus to increase to the effectiveness of the work of the employees increasing the yields of the company.
The control is the final function that must fulfill the concept of management applied to the administration, since in this way the progress will be able to be quantified that it has demonstrated the personnel used as far as the objectives that had been marked them from a principle.
Having all this it has been mentioned in account, we can notice the efficiency that has the fact to carry out the administration of companies on the basis of the management concept . He himself much more contributes a high level of organization allowing so the company can evolve very well in its area of work. In the case that it undertakes a new business or a company, with the objective from which the same one arrives at great enterprise statutes, we recommended to him then that the administration corresponding to its company is prevailed by the management concept, and this way the levels were increased of possible successes that can be had in the company.


The leadership is the capacity to influence in others and to support them so that they warmly work in the profit of objectives comunes.se understands like the capacity to take the initiative, to manage, to summon, to promote, to stimulate, to motivate and to evaluate to a group or equipment. It is the exercise of the executive activity in a project, of effective and efficient form, is east personnel, managemental or institutional.
The leadership implies that there is a person leader who can influence and motivate the other followers. Of there that in the studies on leadership becomes emphasis in the capacity of persuasion and influences. Traditionally, to the sum of these two variables charisma has been denominated him. Nevertheless, the present studies in psychology and sicología have concluded that the charisma does not have the importance that historically had been granted to him and that are other factors that are more determining at the time of constructing the leadership.
The opinion of experts in the organizacional development exists few types of leadership. In opinion of others, nons that exist several types of leadership: the leadership is one and as the leaders are people the classifications correspond to the form as they exert or has acquired the faculty to direct, circumstances that not necessarily implies that he is a leader.
Two types of leadership that talk about varied forms of authority:
Traditional leader: he is that that inherits the power by custom or an important position, or that it belongs to a familiar group of elite that has been having the power for generations.
Legal leader: he is that that obtains the power by means of a person or a group of people with capacity, knowledge and experience to direct to the others. The legal term talks about to the laws or legal norms. A legal leader is simply that that fulfills the law. To be a leader he is requisite inevitable who fulfills her.
The leadership in itself can mean a collective group of leaders, or can mean special characteristics of a form celebrates. Also other uses for this word exist, in which the leader does not direct but that is a respect form. Along with the prestige roll that is associated inspiradoras leaders, a more superficial use of the word leadership can designate to innovating organizations those that during a period of time take the advantage in some scope. Like some corporation or product that takes the first position in some market.
Arieu defines the leader as the person able to inspire and to associate to others with a dream. For that reason it is so important that the organizations have a mission with high important content, since is a very powerful way to reinforce the leadership of its directors.


Entrepreneur or enterprising a denominates themselves that person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the resources necessary to put it in march. He is habitual to use this term to designate to a person who creates a company or that finds a business opportunity or somebody that begins a project by its own initiative.
The investigations of precepciones describe to the entrepreneur like innovator, flexible dynamic able to assume risks creative and oriented to the growth. The popular press, by another part often defines the term like the capacity to initiate and to operate new companies. In any case no definition of the act to undertake is the sufficiently precise or descriptive thing to indicate to the person or group who in general (in enterprise sense social investigativo or any other) who wishes to be innovating flexible and creative. The enterprising term drift of the Castilian voice to undertake, that comes from the Latin in in and I will catch, to take or to take. Closely entrepreneur is related to the French word, that appears at the beginning of century XVI making reference to the adventurers who traveled to the new world in search of opportunities of life without knowing with certainty that to also hope or to the men related to the military expeditions. At the beginning of century XVIII the French extended the meaning of the term to the constructors of bridges, ways and the architects. In economic sense he was defined for the first time by a French writer, Richard Cantillon in 1755 with the process to face the uncertainty therefore went away using the term to identify to that begins a company and was bound more than nothing to innovating industralists.
Until principles of century XX, the roll of the entrepreneur and the risk was not recognized in the economy. As much
Adam Smith like Alfred Marshall they did not include the concept in the economic analysis. Just at the beginning of century, Joseph Schumpeter it recognized the entrepreneur like center of the economic system. The gain comes from the change, it wrote, and the change is produced by the innovating industralist. For Schumpeter the innovation was the reason of being of entrepreneur. In spite of the definitions of Schumpeter, still the theoretical difficulties exist to make compatible the variables socially oriented and the mathematical theories that they describe with exactitude a model.
Generally that opportunity of business is translated in the creation of
product or service that esteem that could be commercialized to a price superior to its production cost, obtaining itself therefore benefit greater for the acquisition of administrative improvements, often managing to improve and to make the commercial network more efficient, annulling the turbulences and creating new wealth.
When not existing the security of which the sale of the amount of the product necessary to the price necessary takes place to cover the incurred production costs plus the enterprise benefit, the entrepreneur assumes
risk. In order to facilitate the organization and management of the necessary resources for the production of or or the provision of the service one is created generally company.


Born on November 26 in the year 1961 in a suburb south of the city called Buenos Aires where he lived with his parents William Chaves, Mercedes Quevedo, Jose and his siblings, Martha, Emerson, and Rosa Guillermo chaves, when he was 17 years began working as a painter, married Francy Ramirez with whom she had 3 children spending time in his garage he started his business in a room in the house of his parents, more or less prepared 5 cans of paint and gradually progressed and was technical metiéndole business to have one of the largest companies in Colombia DUROCOLOR paint. DUROCOLOR is a company located in the field of paints, architectural coatings and related specialty products. This company has 20 years experience in manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of products, vinyls, lacquers, varnishes, paints, water-, waterproofing, architectural coatings, stucco, Venetian graniplast and specialized products. The mission of this company is "Colombian producer and marketer of paints and architectural coatings for surfaces, which seeks to offer its customers products of the highest quality at fair prices and all its partners, to achieve the job satisfaction at all levels. And his vision is to be a large percentage of company market share and excellent brand recall in due recognition of the quality of its products nationwide. Durocolor, medium-term plans to offer its customers more outlets to facilitate access to our products. DUROCOLOR was awarded the International Quality Award (33nd International Trophy for Quality) in Madrid, Spain, at a conference held between 10 and 17 October 2005. In this event, winning entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present their companies and products in a forum of industrialists from around forty countries interested in buying or selling. Trophies established international publisher of Office, is a recognition of companies, highlight your background and compliance with quality standards and enable their development and business success. Magazine publishing and commercial sectors since 1950, has enabled a comprehensive database that is updated every year. Won 2 trophy two years later was awarded the DUROCOLOR GOLDEN TROPHY FOR QUALITY (New Millennium Award) in Paris, France. In recognition of his background and quality of its products. Certificate issued in Paris, France on April 23, 2007 by Trade Leader's Club and Editorial Office.


It was born in Santa Marta the 14 of January of 1963, arrived at Bogota to the 9 years and was a boy travieso. It studied publicity and once it finished gave loose wheel him to its spirit ventures ro, going away to cross the world, and it returned of Greece for the marriage of Carlos with Pink Daisy De Francisco. They fascinate the nautical sea, sports, the dogs, the good food to him and to sleep, and prefers the safe and independent women.
In the marriage of Carlos somebody offered to him to compete in Adam and Eva, the one that served to him so that they offered a small paper to him in The Ibáñez, series in which it discovered its passion by the performance.
It studied with Rubén Di Pietro, belonged to the theater group the Patio, acted in Dejémonos of cases and My district, he was the personage of Stroll in Masterful music, and by that roll the Bolivars de Televisión name to the Simón Prize and to the India Prize Catherine. In the soap opera Shade of your shade it showed its dowries of singer.
It has obtained something very significant: to be a figure of the small screen recognized by own merit, and not only for being the smaller brother of Carlos, ídolo great that has the country.
It decided to let act by a long time. Instead of that, it preferred to dedicate itself to its businesses, to travel, to occur “a sabbatic” time, without neglecting music. It wanted to feel as it likes more: it frees, without no type of fastenings nor walls.
Then, Guillermo You live finished recording Coffee, with woman aroma, where it represented Bernardine, and it started off. “Guillo”, as they know all his near and distant ones, went for New York because it wanted to study music, culinaria and to cross like nomadic the all United States.
Later, it traveled to Europe to visit friends. Two years it was in that continent of here for there, knowing mythical Greece, in South soñador of Italy; two years exact living that Paris so escenográficamente beautiful, cold London, romantic Vienna, the Ámsterdam schizophrenic. Twenty-four months, sufficient to grease themselves of world and to rest.
"It was a little while that it needed to dedicate me to my own life, to enjoy, to feel to me with wings to fly freely". This costeño native of Santa Marta, model 63, tells proud that it was born with Vietnam, Kennedy Martin Luther King and all that anxious atmosphere of years 60.
When it returned to Bogota, in 1999, concentrated in its Gaira restaurant Coffee. It, in person, dedicated itself to take care of his clients. It chose to create culinarias prescriptions (for example “the pinion”, one lasaña with banana) and to let pass the days in means of the gastronomical scents and informal char it with the turn companions at table .
GAIRA COFFEE CUMBIA HOUSE as their names indicate it is the fusion of two concepts (establishment) that although very are related you enter if it becomes necessary to explain of way independent; in order to know its origins, its more excellent characteristics, its influences and in what moment they are to produce this unique and particular style that gave form to very renewed gaira first coffee and cumbia house.
Gaira coffee was an idea of the brothers you live Restrepo, a small local playero coffee of memorabilia in one of the prettiest places of the province of Santa Marta: the bay of well-known Gaira either the more like the rodadero, in front of the sea where they were born and although the situation of the time not allowed the more to time to the initial project that store in once the paradise there was the spark that ignited the wick, the Gaira Bogota coffee.
In the year of 1972 the family You live Restrepo I get to live to the house where today is constructed to the Gaira coffee cumbia house, in year 1995 the brothers you live buy the contiguous house of its parents where Carlos You live begins to live and to produce a called program of television the Tele that was conformed by a group of actors and musicians who participated in night show where also acted guillo you live.
At the same time it was the site of test of the one of the most famous groups of the called country province. Guillo you live decides to go away to live to new York to study theater but its experience in the capital of the world the interest by the food and the restaurants wakes up to him; it dedicates two years to the art, the culture and to prepare itself to begin the project of the Gaira coffee. In order to do it uses it the only garage that was available in the old house and thus with the aid of its brother Carlos it opens for the first time to the Gaira Bogota coffee in August of the 1998.
And it is worth the trouble to write down by all means that the first clients were the artists who visit the house where tele was made ; Martin of Francisco, Santiago moure, Oscar embroiders, Manuel Busquets, Rafa Uribe, katy Sáenz, Isabela Santo Domingo, without number of musicians and artists caused that the same people of the zone identified the place like the coffee of the artists.
Guillo you live made its equipment of kitchen for which the restaurant had an identity supported in Doña Araceli Restrepo of you live and the support on different specialists in different fields. It was possible to be said that it was important to handle for the restaurant such concepts of unit and diversity that were used for the musical projects of the house, is where Guillo with the support of their equipment decides to explore in homemade prescriptions, result of that diversity of influences that is today the Colombian gastronomy (the Spanish, the native thing, the Creole, the Chinese, the African, the North American, the Arab, etc.).
The projects were growing in the respective garages, him tele was vetoed at its time and of they left great figures the today television; the project of Carlos you live and the province has been of the most successful projects of also generating the Colombian music and of new artists, while the food of the small place every time had more demand so it was logical to think that sooner or later these two garages were going to give foot to the creation of a single space, that who today we called Gaira coffee cumbia house.
A place where besides to find good food “only and diverse” we can enjoy the best live music of Colombia and the world; a temple that renders to him cultured to the Colombian musician, classic and the contemporary, it is that place to which is to return when with trajinar of day to day is begun to us to stump the colombianidad feeling.
Good food,Good Music!


Born July 30, 1978 in Bogota went on to study at a military college then went to college then go to Antonio Nariño University District to see that electronics and could not find anything to enter their e decided 18 years working in the company Oil Field Services Ltd. star in an Inspector level II oil equipment for 8 years where I work. Then he left there and began working in a company called magnastesting not doing inspection and testing destuvos inspector level II Magnetic Particle and Liquid penetrant there after 2 years hard work began on the first oil field services company pemarsa as chief of operations to control production system then began working in the business logic Oilfield Services Ltd. where he was a shareholder and a performance by the owner and chief operating officer. Following this logic a penarsa sold. Formed company called RIG TOOLS & MACHINE WORKS "where plays a position of owner and manager. It is a company incorporated and private law whose aim is to repair, assembly and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and structures for industry exploiting its overall infrastructure, industrial and human resources based on customer satisfaction to contribute technically and operationally with the increase in quality of life and business development of the country, always with a positive and innovative focus on the future . RIG TOOLS & MACHINE WORKS as human and operational team aims to achieve an excellent long-term positioning within the industry in general, a distinguished recognition in the business sector of our country participating in the technological and scientific resources. policy quality of implementation of an organizational culture created to provide an excellent service performance and effectiveness in the production of repair tools and equipment used for the good of our industry in general.


Nació el 30 de julio de 1978 en Bogotá entro a estudiar a un colegio militar luego entro a la universidad Antonio Nariño luego entro a la universidad distrital electrónica y al ver que no encontraba nada por electrónica decidió entrar a sus 18 años a trabajar en la empresa star oil field services Ltda. En un cargo de inspector nivel II de equipos petroleros donde trabajo durante 8 años. Luego salió de ahí y empezó trabajar en una empresa llamada magnastesting haciendo inspección y ensayos no destuvos inspector nivel II de partículas magnéticas y liquido penetrantes allí duro 2 años luego empezó a trabajar en la primera empresa pemarsa oil field services como jefe de operaciones para controlar el sistema de producción luego empezó a trabajar en la empresa logic oilfield services Ltda. Donde era accionista y desempeño un cargo de dueño y jefe de operaciones. Luego de esto vendió logic a penarsa.
Formo su empresa llamada "RIG TOOLS & MACHINE WORKS” donde desempeña un cargo de dueño y gerente. Es una empresa legalmente constituida y de carácter privado cuyo objetivo social es la reparación, ensamble y mantenimiento de equipos, maquinaria, herramientas y estructuras para la industria en general aprovechando técnicamente su infraestructura instalada, sus recursos industrial y humano basándonos en la satisfacción de nuestros clientes para contribuir técnica y operativamente con el aumento en la calidad de vida y desarrollo empresarial del país, siempre con una idea positiva e innovadora enfocada en el futuro. RIG TOOLS & MACHINE WORKS como equipo operacional y humano pretende alcanzar a un largo plazo un excelente posicionamiento dentro de la industria en general, un distinguido reconocimiento en el sistema empresarial de nuestro país participando de las innovaciones tecnológicas y científicas de sus recursos .la política de calidad de la implementación de una cultura organizacional creada con el objetivo de brindar un servicio de excelente rendimiento y efectividad en la fabricación reparación de las herramientas y equipos utilizados para bien de nuestra industria en general.


Vicente Fernandez Gomez is born the 17 of February of 1940 in the town of Huentitan the stop, Jalisco, Mexico. He is son of the mess orderly Ramon Fernandez and of the housewife Paula Gomez de Fernandez, the 6 years, its passion by the rancheros surprises. The small chente dreams about being a star. It is a year of changes, because the dumb family to Tijuana, in the state of Baja California. It receives its first guitar to the 8 years and learns to touch songs folkloric. Their parents take to see it films of Pedro infant, to the 14 years of age, gains an aid become fond of in Guadalajara, State Capital Jalisco. Vicente works in which he can: dishwasher, bricklayer, laborer, seadog, etc. In 1959 it arrives at the typical restaurant of an uncle and one evolves like teller. In the place trios and mariachis appear. Vicente begins to sing without no wage. It arrives at city of Mexico and first that visits is Garibaldi seat, where it asks for restaurants in which it can sing in return of gratuities. Somebody indicates to the traditional premises the dawn to him tapatío, where it does his first pinitos. From the 21 to 23 they are the years in which Mendoza sings with Pepe and soon de is united to the Aguilar mariachi Felipe Arriaga (Jose Luis Aguilar), whom knew in the dawn tapatío. The musical calandria participates in the program. In 1963 her mother Paula Gomez de Fernandez, dies of cancer of sine to the 47 years of age. Tapatío leaves to the restaurant the dawn and returns to Guadalajara. The 27 of December house with Maria of “the cuquita” refuge includes Villaseñor that was its neighbor when it was 24 years old had his first son, Vicente Fernandez Jr, in the middle of one lasts economic situation. It drinks arrives at the world of six pulls and gestation means. Vicente enters to work to the night club the sarape where he obtains a pay like singer. In 1965 Vicente it touches to the doors of the XEX the radio station number 1 of Mexico. Thanks to this transmitter arrive at greater hearings and begin to construct a local fame. Occasionally, it visits different discográficas companies, among them the CBS, the initial name of the disquera Sony. To the year the 19 of April die Javier Solis, the singer of bolero more popular mess orderly in that time. He himself Vicente Fernandez recognizes that this tragic fact was the one that gave luck him. It had to die ídolo his so that the doors were opened to him. The things changed for him. At both days of the death of Solis, telegrams to him arrived sarape, of disqueras as CBS and peer Vicente to them I sign with first. To its 27 years it records its first disc: the voice that you hoped. By aim a disquera hears to him. His second son is born: Gerald Fernandez. To the following year Vicente it participates for the first time in a cinematographic production: tacos to the coal. In the year of 1969 one appears for the first time in the United States, next to other singers, among them Jose Alfredo Jimenez. To the following year his father dies victim of a cirrhosis. It happens one of its more memorable presentations, in the Blanquita Theater, because Vicente left to sing just later to find out the death of his father in 1971 is born his third son Alexander Fernandez today ídolo of Hispano-America. Like Vicente, shows several prizes and a star in the stroll of the fame in Hollywood. In 1974 it carries out its first success in the cinema: the law of the mount. The disc of the film later surpasses all the expectations of sales two years the subject to return, to return becomes the first hymn commercial mess orderly and breaks all the record. Vicente is in the summit of his fame. To his 40 years he films tahúr, in which it makes debut like attending director. The album that takes he himself name heads the lists. It initiates the construction of its farm the three potrillos in honor of its three children. The 15 of September of 1984 make the most memorable presentation in the bullring from Mexico which they attend 54 thousand people. A unique concert. Its 47 years it recognizes like son his Rodrigo Fernandez, fruit of its martially relation with the Patricia actress creek. But in the 2004, a test of DNA I conclude that “chente gift” is not the biological Pope of Rodrigo. In May of 1998 his older son is kidnapped, Vicente Jr, by common delinquents. The singing payment by its liberation 3.21 million dollars (six million and means of weights of today). After 121 days in captivity, Vicente Jr. It returns to its house with two fingers amputated by its detectors. In the 2001vicente year it leaves to fulfill tour invincible bows, alongside of its son Alexander Fernandez, who also is ídolo in all Latin America together travel by the continent. In the 2003 after a delicate surgery, it surpasses the prostate cancer. Today one feels recovered and it enjoys the life, in the 2007 celebrates more than 40 years of race making one of the tours by more successful United States of any artist mess orderly. In the 2008 to its 68 years it sends its record production first row, its debut in the recording of acoustic albums. Its voice to route the entire continent and in each country Vicente gives its heart to a faithful public, who always longs for his return. Its compared voice to with those of other great singers: Jorge Negrete, Pedro infant and Javier Solis. Its last musical production first row was all a revelation for its followers. It is for the first time sent to do “disconnected”, that I record the past 13 of August live this disc left to the sale the 2 December. During the live recording, it was surprised by an acoustic unloading, misfortune that volume with humor. This recording they attended 300 people and they participated more than 30 musicians in scene. And chente gift elegantísimo! This disconnecting was recorded in [[LA]] SAND VFG. Vicente and his wife have been together by 45 years, Vicente became very young grandfathers: Gerald case of 21 years, 22 Alexander of and Vicente Jr. Of 23. The singer is very consentidor with his 11 grandsons in some occasion said “they do with me what she gives the desire them” chente recognizes that today it enjoys more his grandsons of which could do it with its children. Alexander is with who has character differences more, but “chente” he admits that he must to that they are very similar. Its enormous farm is the place where it enjoys which it has constructed. It is his great refuge and its pride, the farm is its favorite place to rest. Here “pretty doña” lives next to her wife, her son Vicente Fernandez Jr. Also it resides in “the potrillos” in a neighboring large house. The three potrillos have given the satisfaction him to live the ranchera life that always dreamed and that I inherit of its father. Fue él quien le enseño el trabajo que demanda el campo. One of its great passions is to allow to its horses miniature, the corral is worthy of a farm of this category has of everything: gallos gallinas pollos palomas faisanes… hay también 800 cabezas de Ganado, la mayoría Hereford; some brahaman and limousine, and others Belgian blue, property of their children Vicente and Gerald. Near 100 mares and of 100 horses miniature young of Vicente for 30 years, like pastime.
The construction of potrillos the beginning in 1980 like and its parents who always dreamed about having an own house and cattle to maintain the family. In several corners of its farm its passion by the horses can be verified, like in this place, where it collects, like a boy, small you talk back of equinos units. In their farm “the three potrillos” enjoy their great pastimes: the horses miniature, that takes care of with care, the painted eggs by hand and the photomontages, for 30 years have been become fond of to the horses miniature. The quality of the races that handles has taken it to international contests. She is a great sketcher behind that voice of Fernandez, also there is a plastic artist to draw is a fission that she acquired from very small when she played to make scale models with ranchitos and he himself painted hills, you hoist and the horses. This star in its free times spends hours in its computer in Photoshop and plays to do assemblies with photos of its face and the one of its grandsons.
The male mere actor was not the best exponent of the Mexican performance, but one of most popular. Thirty and one films crossed the continent with their image.
The recognitions are innumerable that ídolo Mexican along of its artistic trajectory has received. They have been the 5 most representative songs during its artistic race: the king, the law of the mount, reasons, divine women and I am going away to clear of in the middle.
From the first time which I visit the country in 1981, it has in Colombia his second house and a public who longs for it. Each one of its presentations has been unforgettable as he in his presentations says to it well. “While you they do not let applaud, chente does not let sing”. So far the retirement is not between its plans and Vicente will continue intoning hymns of his musical race, yesterday and today.
It has intoned the most emblematic compositions of the Mexican folclor in 80 albums. Some of our popular artists speak of him and they admire it. It has been 48 years of artistic race, since when it began to sing in 1960 and it takes to 45 beautiful years of marriage with Maria of the refuge its wife.


Importancia y/o gravedad de la alteración que se produzca en la cualidad de los recursos visuales como resultado de actividades o usos del suelo previstas (o ya desarrollados) en un o junto a un paisaje. Un impacto visual contribuye a la reducción en los valores escénicos. Grado de alteración producida en los recursos visuales y en la reacción del observador frente a esos recursos.
Cualquier impacto en la morfología del terreno, las aguas, la vegetación o una introducción de una estructura que altere negativamente o interrumpa el carácter visual del paisaje y destruya la armonía de los elementos naturales. Ver: PAISAJE, RECURSO ESTÉTICO.


El concepto de gestión posee preliminares básicos correspondientes a la organización, lo que implica que este aplicado en una empresa o en un negocio examina algunos de los objetivos principales correspondientes a la misma.
Es importante tener en cuenta en este concepto que ninguna empresa puede subsistir si no posee algún tipo de beneficio, por lo que siempre se debe mantener un cierto nivel de competencia con las otras empresas que se dedican a fabricar y elaborar los mismo productos que la nuestra. El concepto de gestión se mueve en un ambiente en el cual, por lo general, los recursos disponibles escasean y en base a esto, la persona encargada de la gestión debe aplicar diferentes fórmulas para que se esta manera se logren persuadir y motivar constantemente a todas las fuentes del capital empresarial, con el objetivo de lograr que las mismas apoyen todos los proyectos que la empresa planea emprender.
Si nos enfocamos en la aplicación del concepto de gestión para llevar a cabo las actividades de una empresa, es importante destacar que por lo general, el mismo suele tener mucha más aplicación en las empresas de propiedad privadas, que son más conocidas como el sector privados empresarial. De todas formas debemos decir que las empresas que le pertenecen al sector público, es decir, aquellas que son propiedad del estado, también suelen tener buenos modelos de gestión, pero los mismos suelen independizarse bastante de lo que es el concepto de gestión más técnico.
Y es aquí en donde radica la diferencia más grande, ya que el sector privado, aplicando el concepto de gestión en el desarrollo de sus actividades obtiene muchas más ganancias que una empresa correspondiente al sector público, es por ello que es importante considerar la tecnicidad del concepto de gestión como parte de la gestión empresarial. De todas formas es importante también que se haga mención del hecho lógico que nos confirma que las empresas privadas cuentan con muchos más recursos que aquellas del Estado, y uno de esos recursos es la tecnología, una herramienta que ha ayudado ampliar el concepto de gestión en todas las aplicaciones correspondientes.
Debemos decir que el concepto de gestión aplicado a la administración de empresas obliga a que la misma cumpla con cuatro funciones fundamentales para el desempeño de la empresa; la primera de esas funciones es la planificación, que se utiliza para combinar los recursos con el fin de planear nuevos proyectos que puedan resultar redituables para la empresa, en términos más específicos nos referimos a la planificación como la visualización global de toda la empresa y su entorno correspondiente, realizando la toma de decisiones concretas que pueden determinar el camino más directo hacia los objetivos planificados. La segunda función que le corresponde cumplir al concepto de gestión es la organización en donde se agruparan todos los recursos con los que la empresa cuenta, haciendo que trabajen en conjunto, para así obtener un mayor aprovechamiento de los mismos y tener más posibilidades de obtener resultados.
La dirección de la empresa en base al concepto de gestión implica un muy elevado nivel se comunicación por parte de los administradores para con los empleados, y esto nace a partir de tener el objetivo de crear un ambiente adecuado de trabajo y así aumentar la eficacia del trabajo de los empleados aumentando las rentabilidades de la empresa.
El control es la función final que debe cumplir el concepto de gestión aplicado a la administración, ya que de este modo se podrá cuantificar el progreso que ha demostrado el personal empleado en cuanto a los objetivos que les habían sido marcados desde un principio.
Teniendo todo esto que ha sido mencionado en cuenta, podemos notar la eficiencia que posee el hecho de llevar a cabo la administración de empresas en base al concepto de gestión. El mismo aporta un nivel mucho más alto de organización permitiendo así que la empresa pueda desempeñarse muy bien en su área de trabajo. En el caso de que emprenda un nuevo negocio o una empresa, con el objetivo de que la misma llegue a grandes estatutos empresariales, le recomendamos entonces que la administración correspondiente a su empresa se encuentre regida por el concepto de gestión, y de esta manera se aumentaran los niveles de posible éxitos que se pueda tener en la empresa.


El liderazgo es la capacidad de influir en otros y apoyarlos para que trabajen con entusiasmo en el logro de objetivos comunes.se entiende como la capacidad de tomar la iniciativa, gestionar, convocar, promover, incentivar, motivar y evaluar a un grupo o equipo. Es el ejercicio de la actividad ejecutiva en un proyecto, de forma eficaz y eficiente, sea este personal, gerencial o institucional.
El liderazgo implica que haya una persona líder que pueda influir y motivar a los demás seguidores. De ahí que en los estudios sobre liderazgo se haga énfasis en la capacidad de persuasión e influencia. Tradicionalmente, a la suma de estas dos variables se le ha denominado carisma. Sin embargo, los estudios actuales en psicología y sicología han concluido que el carisma no tiene la importancia que históricamente se le había otorgado y que hay otros factores que son más determinantes a la hora de construir el liderazgo.
La opinión de expertos en el desarrollo organizacional existen pocos tipos de liderazgo. En opinión de otros, no s que existan varios tipos de liderazgo: el liderazgo es uno y como los líderes son personas las clasificaciones corresponden a la forma como ejercen o ha adquirido la facultad de dirigir, circunstancias que no necesariamente implica que sea un líder.
Dos tipos de liderazgo que se refieren a formas variadas de autoridad:
Líder tradicional: es aquel que hereda el poder por costumbre o por un cargo importante, o que pertenece a un grupo familiar de elite que ha tenido el poder desde hace generaciones.
Líder legal: es aquel que obtiene el poder mediante una persona o un grupo de personas con capacidad, conocimientos y experiencia para dirigir a los demás. El término legal se refiere a las leyes o normas jurídicas. Un líder legal es simplemente aquel que cumple con la ley. Para ser un líder es requisito inevitable que cumpla con ella.
El liderazgo en si misma puede significar a un grupo colectivo de líderes, o puede significar características especiales de una forma celebre. También existen otros usos para esta palabra, en los que el líder no dirige sino que se trata de una forma de respeto. Junto con el rol de prestigio que se asocia a líderes inspiradoras, un uso más superficial de la palabra liderazgo puede designar a entidades innovadoras aquellas que durante un periodo de tiempo toman la delantera en algún ámbito. Como alguna corporación o producto que toma la primera posición en algún mercado.
Arieu define al líder como la persona capaz de inspirar y asociar a otros con un sueño. Por eso es tan importante que las organizaciones tengan una misión con alto contenido trascendente, ya que es una manera muy poderosa de reforzar el liderazgo de sus directivos.


Nació el 26 de noviembre del año de 1961 en un barrio del sur de la ciudad llamado buenos aires donde vivía junto a sus padres Guillermo Chaves, Mercedes Quevedo, y sus hermanos José, Martha , Emerson , Rosa y Guillermo chaves, cuando tenía 17 años empezó a trabajar como pintor de brocha gorda, se caso con Francy Ramírez con quien tuvo 3 hijos pasando el tiempo en el garaje de su casa empezó su negocio en un local en la casa de sus padres, preparando más o menos 5 canecas de pintura y poco a poco fue progresando y fue metiéndole técnica al negocio hasta tener una de las empresas más importantes de pintura en Colombia DUROCOLOR.
DUROCOLOR es una empresa ubicada en el sector de pinturas, revestimientos arquitectónicos y productos especializados relacionados. Esta empresa tiene experiencia de 20 años en la fabricación y comercialización de una amplia gama de productos como; vinilos esmaltes barnices pinturas hidrorepelentes impermeabilizantes, revestimientos arquitectónicos, estucos venecianos graniplast y productos especializados.
La misión de esta empresa es “Colombiana productora y comercializadora de pinturas y revestimientos para superficies arquitectónicas, que busca ofrecer a sus consumidores productos de la más alta calidad a precios justos y a todos sus colaboradores, empleos con los que logren satisfacción a todo nivel. Y su visión es ser una empresa con gran porcentaje de participación en el mercado y excelente recordación de marca debido al reconocimiento de la calidad de sus productos a nivel nacional. Durocolor, a mediano plazo proyecta ofrecer a sus consumidores varios puntos de venta para facilitar el acceso a nuestros productos.
DUROCOLOR fue galardonado con el PREMIO INTERNACIONAL A LA CALIDAD (33nd International Trophy for Quality) en Madrid, España, en un congreso realizado entre el 10 y 17 de octubre de 2005. En este evento, los empresarios galardonados tienen la oportunidad de presentar sus empresas y productos en un foro de industriales procedentes de aproximadamente cuarenta países, interesados en comprar o vender.
Los trofeos internacionales instituidos por editorial Office, son un reconocimiento de los valores de las empresas, resaltan su trayectoria y cumplimiento de las normas de calidad y hacen posible su desarrollo y éxito empresarial. La publicación de revistas comerciales y sectoriales desde el año de 1950, ha permitido disponer de una exhaustiva base de datos que se actualiza cada año. Gano un 2 trofeo dos años después DUROCOLOR fue galardonado con el TROFEO DE ORO A LA CALIDAD (New Millennium Award) en París, Francia.En reconocimiento a su trayectoria empresarial y calidad en sus productos.Certificado emitido en París, Francia el 23 de abril de 2007 por Trade Leader's Club y Editorial OFFICE.


Se denomina emprendedor o emprendedora a aquella persona que identifica una oportunidad y organiza los recursos necesarios para ponerla en marcha. Es habitual emplear este término para designar a una persona que crea una empresa o que encuentra una oportunidad de negocio o alguien quien empieza un proyecto por su propia iniciativa.
Las investigaciones de precepciones describen al emprendedor como innovador, flexible dinámico capaz de asumir riesgos creativo y orientado al crecimiento. La prensa popular, por otra parte a menudo define el término como la capacidad de iniciar y operar empresas nuevas. De todas formas ninguna definición del acto de emprender es lo suficientemente precisa o descriptiva para señalar a la persona o grupo que en general (en sentido empresarial social investigativo o cualquier otro) que desea ser innovador flexible y creativo. El término emprendedor deriva de la voz castellana emprender, que proviene del latín in en y prenderé, coger o tomar. Está estrechamente relacionado con el vocablo francés entrepreneur, que aparece a principios del siglo XVI haciendo referencia a los aventureros que viajaban al nuevo mundo en búsqueda de oportunidades de vida sin saber con certeza que esperar o también a los hombres relacionados con las expediciones militares. A principios del siglo XVIII los franceses extendieron el significado del término a los constructores de puentes, caminos y los arquitectos. En sentido económico fue definida por primera vez por un escritor francés, Richard Cantillon en 1755 con el proceso de enfrentar la incertidumbre así se fue utilizando el término para identificar a quien comienza una empresa y fue ligado más que nada a empresarios innovadores.
Hasta principios del siglo XX, no se reconocía en la economía el rol del emprendedor y del riesgo. Tanto
Adam Smith como Alfred Marshall no incluyeron el concepto en el análisis económico. Recién a principios de siglo, Joseph Schumpeter reconoció al emprendedor como centro del sistema económico. La ganancia proviene del cambio, escribió, y el cambio es producido por el empresario innovador. Para Schumpeter la innovación era la razón de ser del entrepreneur. A pesar de las definiciones de Schumpeter, todavía existen las dificultades teóricas de compatibilizar las variables socialmente orientadas y las teorías matemáticas que describen con exactitud un modelo.
Por lo general esa oportunidad de negocio se traduce en la creación de un
producto o servicio que se estima que podrá ser comercializado a un precio superior a su coste de producción, obteniendo así un beneficio mayor para la adquisición de mejoras administrativas, muchas veces logrando mejorar y hacer más eficiente la red comercial, anulando las turbulencias y creando nueva riqueza.
Al no existir la seguridad de que se produzca la venta de la cantidad del producto necesaria al precio necesario para cubrir los costes de producción incurridos más el beneficio empresarial, el emprendedor asume un
riesgo. Para facilitar la organización y gestión de los recursos necesarios para la producción del bien o la provisión del servicio generalmente se crea una empresa.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009


Vicente Fernández Gómez nace el 17 de febrero de 1940 en el pueblo de Huentitan el alto, Jalisco, México. Es hijo del ranchero Ramón Fernández y de la ama de casa Paula Gómez de Fernández, a los 6 años, su pasión por las rancheras sorprende. El pequeño chente sueña con ser una estrella. Es un año de cambios, pues la familia se muda a Tijuana, en el estado de baja california. Recibe su primer guitarra a los 8 años y aprende a tocar canciones folclóricas. Sus padres lo llevan a ver películas de Pedro infante, a los 14 años de edad, gana un concurso aficionado en Guadalajara, capital del estado Jalisco. Vicente trabaja en lo que puede: lavaplatos, albañil, peón, aseador, etc. En 1959 llega al restaurante típico de un tío y se desempeña como cajero. En el lugar se presentan tríos y mariachis. Vicente comienza a cantar sin ningún salario. Llega a ciudad de México y lo primero que visita es plaza Garibaldi, donde pregunta por restaurantes en los cuales pueda cantar a cambio de propinas. Alguien le señala el local tradicional el amanecer tapatío, donde hace sus primeros pinitos. De los 21 a 23 los son los años en lo que canta con pepe Mendoza y luego se une al mariachi Aguilar de Felipe Arriaga (José Luis Aguilar), a quien conoció en el amanecer tapatío. Participa en el programa la calandria musical. En 1963 su madre Paula Gómez de Fernández, muere de cáncer de seno a los 47 años de edad. Deja el restaurante el amanecer tapatío y regresa a Guadalajara. El 27 de diciembre se casa con María del refugio “cuquita” abarca Villaseñor quien era su vecina cuando tenía 24 años tuvo su primer hijo, Vicente Fernández jr., en medio de una dura situación económica. El bebe llega al mundo de seis mese y medio de gestación. Vicente ingresa a trabajar al cabaret el sarape donde consigue un sueldo como cantante. En 1965 Vicente toca las puertas de la XEX la estación de radio número 1 de México. Gracias a esta emisora llega a audiencias más grandes y empieza a construir una fama local. Ocasionalmente, visita distintas compañías discográficas, entre ellas la CBS, el nombre inicial de la disquera Sony. Al año el 19 de abril muere Javier Solís, el cantante de bolero ranchero más popular en ese tiempo. El mismo Vicente Fernández reconoce que este hecho trágico fue el que le dio suerte. Tuvo que morirse un ídolo suyo para que se le abrieran las puertas. Las cosas cambiaron para él. A los dos días de la muerte de Solís, llegaron telegramas a él sarape, de disqueras como CBS y peerles Vicente firmo con la primera. A sus 27 años graba su primer disco: la voz que usted esperaba. Por fin una disquera le oye. Nace su segundo hijo: Gerardo Fernández. Al siguiente año Vicente participa por primera vez en una producción cinematográfica: tacos al carbón. En el año de 1969 se presenta por primera vez en los estados unidos, junto a otros cantantes, entre ellos José Alfredo Jiménez. Al siguiente año muere su padre víctima de una cirrosis. Ocurre una de sus presentaciones más memorables, en el teatro blanquita, pues Vicente salió a cantar justo después de enterarse de la muerte de su padre en 1971 nace su tercer hijo Alejandro Fernández hoy ídolo de Hispanoamérica. Al igual que Vicente, ostenta varios premios y una estrella en el paseo de la fama en Hollywood. En 1974 protagoniza su primer éxito en el cine: la ley del monte. El disco de la película supera todas la expectativas de ventas dos años después el tema volver, volver se convierte en el primer himno ranchero y rompe todos los records comerciales. Vicente está en la cumbre de su fama. A sus 40 años filma el tahúr, en la cual debuta como director asistente. El álbum que lleva el mismo nombre encabeza las listas. Inicia la construcción de su rancho los tres potrillos en honor de sus tres hijos. El 15 de septiembre de 1984 hace la presentación más memorable en la plaza de toros de México a la cual asisten 54 mil personas. Un concierto único. A sus 47 años reconoce como hijo suyo a Rodrigo Fernández, fruto de su relación extramatrimonial con la actriz patricia rivera. Pero en el 2004, una prueba de ADN concluyo que “don chente” no es el papa biológico de Rodrigo. En mayo de 1998 es secuestrado su hijo mayor, Vicente jr., por delincuentes comunes. El cantante paga por su liberación 3,21 millones de dólares (seis millones y medio de pesos de hoy). Después de 121 días en cautiverio, Vicente jr. Regresa a su casa con dos dedos amputados por sus captores. En el año 2001vicente sale a cumplir gira lazos invencibles, al lado de su hijo Alejandro Fernández, que también es un ídolo en toda Latinoamérica juntos viajan por el continente. En el 2003 después de una delicada cirugía, supera el cáncer de próstata. Hoy se siente recuperado y goza de la vida, en el 2007 celebra más de 40 años de carrera realizando una de las giras por estados unidos más exitosas de cualquier artista ranchero. En el 2008 a sus 68 años lanza su producción discográfica primera fila, su debut en la grabación de álbumes acústicos. Su voz a recorrido todo el continente y en cada país Vicente entrega su corazón a un público fiel, que siempre añora su regreso. Su voz a sido comparada con las de otros grandes cantantes: Jorge Negrete, Pedro infante y Javier Solís. Su última producción musical primera fila fue todo una revelación para sus seguidores. Por primera vez se lanza a hacer un “desconectado”, que grabo en vivo el pasado 13 de agosto este disco salió a la venta el 2 de diciembre. Durante la grabación en vivo, fue sorprendido por una descarga acústica, contratiempo que tomo con humor. A esta grabación asistieron 300 personas y participaron más de 30 músicos en escena. Y don chente ¡elegantísimo! Este desconectado fue grabado en LA ARENA VFG. Vicente y su esposa han estado juntos por 45 años, Vicente se convirtió en abuelo muy joven: Gerardo se caso de 21 años, Alejandro de 22 y Vicente jr. De 23. El cantante es muy consentidor con sus 11 nietos en alguna ocasión dijo “ellos hacen conmigo lo que les da la gana” chente reconoce que hoy disfruta más de sus nietos de lo que lo pudo hacer con sus hijos. Alejandro es con quien más tiene diferencias de carácter, pero “chente” admite que se debe a que son muy parecidos. Su enorme rancho es el lugar donde disfruta de lo que ha construido. Es su gran refugio y su orgullo, el rancho es su lugar predilecto para descansar. Aquí vive al lado de su esposa “doña cuca”, su hijo Vicente Fernández jr. También reside en “los potrillos” en una casona vecina. Los tres potrillos le han dado la satisfacción de vivir la vida ranchera que siempre soñó y que heredo de su padre. Fue él quien le enseño el trabajo que demanda el campo. Una de sus grandes pasiones es consentir a sus caballos miniatura, el corral es digno de una granja de esta categoría hay de todo: gallos gallinas pollos palomas faisanes… hay también 800 cabezas de ganado, la mayoría hereford; algunas brahaman y limousine, y otras belgian blue, propiedad de sus hijos Vicente y Gerardo. Cerca de 100 yeguas y de 100 caballos miniatura cría de Vicente desde hace 30 años, como pasatiempo.
La construcción de los potrillos inicio en 1980 como un a sus padres quienes siempre soñaron con tener una casa propia y ganado para mantener la familia. En varios rincones de su rancho se puede comprobar su pasión por los caballos, como en este lugar, donde colecciona, como un niño, pequeñas replicas de ejemplares equinos. En su rancho “ los tres potrillos” disfruta de sus grandes pasatiempos: los caballos miniatura, que cuida con esmero, los huevos pintados a mano y los fotomontajes, desde hace 30 años es aficionado a los caballos miniatura. La calidad de las razas que el maneja lo ha llevado a certámenes internacionales. Es un gran dibujante detrás de esa voz de Fernández, también hay un artista plástico dibujar es una fisión que adquirió desde muy pequeño cuando jugaba a hacer maquetas con ranchitos y el mismo pintaba los cerros, arboles y los caballos. Esta estrella en sus tiempos libres pasa horas en su computador en el photoshop y juega a hacer montajes con fotos de su rostro y el de sus nietos.
El actor mero macho no fue el mejor exponente de la actuación mexicana, pero si uno de los más populares. Treinta y una películas recorrieron el continente con su imagen.
Son innumerables los reconocimientos que ha recibido el ídolo mexicano a lo largo de su trayectoria artística. Han sido 5 las canciones más representativas durante su carrera artística: el rey, la ley del monte, motivos, mujeres divinas y me voy a quitar de en medio.
Desde la primera vez que visito el país en 1981, tiene en Colombia su segunda casa y un público que lo añora. Cada una de sus presentaciones ha sido inolvidable como bien lo dice él en sus presentaciones. “mientras ustedes no dejen de aplaudir, chente no deja de cantar”. Así que por ahora el retiro no está entre sus planes y Vicente seguirá entonando los himnos de su carrera musical, de ayer y hoy.
Ha entonado las composiciones más emblemáticas del folclor mexicano en 80 álbumes. Algunos de nuestros artistas populares hablan de él y lo admiran. Lleva 48 años de carrera artística, desde cuando comenzó a cantar en 1960 y lleva 45 hermosos años de matrimonio con María del refugio su esposa.