jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009


Entrepreneur or enterprising a denominates themselves that person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the resources necessary to put it in march. He is habitual to use this term to designate to a person who creates a company or that finds a business opportunity or somebody that begins a project by its own initiative.
The investigations of precepciones describe to the entrepreneur like innovator, flexible dynamic able to assume risks creative and oriented to the growth. The popular press, by another part often defines the term like the capacity to initiate and to operate new companies. In any case no definition of the act to undertake is the sufficiently precise or descriptive thing to indicate to the person or group who in general (in enterprise sense social investigativo or any other) who wishes to be innovating flexible and creative. The enterprising term drift of the Castilian voice to undertake, that comes from the Latin in in and I will catch, to take or to take. Closely entrepreneur is related to the French word, that appears at the beginning of century XVI making reference to the adventurers who traveled to the new world in search of opportunities of life without knowing with certainty that to also hope or to the men related to the military expeditions. At the beginning of century XVIII the French extended the meaning of the term to the constructors of bridges, ways and the architects. In economic sense he was defined for the first time by a French writer, Richard Cantillon in 1755 with the process to face the uncertainty therefore went away using the term to identify to that begins a company and was bound more than nothing to innovating industralists.
Until principles of century XX, the roll of the entrepreneur and the risk was not recognized in the economy. As much
Adam Smith like Alfred Marshall they did not include the concept in the economic analysis. Just at the beginning of century, Joseph Schumpeter it recognized the entrepreneur like center of the economic system. The gain comes from the change, it wrote, and the change is produced by the innovating industralist. For Schumpeter the innovation was the reason of being of entrepreneur. In spite of the definitions of Schumpeter, still the theoretical difficulties exist to make compatible the variables socially oriented and the mathematical theories that they describe with exactitude a model.
Generally that opportunity of business is translated in the creation of
product or service that esteem that could be commercialized to a price superior to its production cost, obtaining itself therefore benefit greater for the acquisition of administrative improvements, often managing to improve and to make the commercial network more efficient, annulling the turbulences and creating new wealth.
When not existing the security of which the sale of the amount of the product necessary to the price necessary takes place to cover the incurred production costs plus the enterprise benefit, the entrepreneur assumes
risk. In order to facilitate the organization and management of the necessary resources for the production of or or the provision of the service one is created generally company.

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