jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009


The leadership is the capacity to influence in others and to support them so that they warmly work in the profit of objectives comunes.se understands like the capacity to take the initiative, to manage, to summon, to promote, to stimulate, to motivate and to evaluate to a group or equipment. It is the exercise of the executive activity in a project, of effective and efficient form, is east personnel, managemental or institutional.
The leadership implies that there is a person leader who can influence and motivate the other followers. Of there that in the studies on leadership becomes emphasis in the capacity of persuasion and influences. Traditionally, to the sum of these two variables charisma has been denominated him. Nevertheless, the present studies in psychology and sicología have concluded that the charisma does not have the importance that historically had been granted to him and that are other factors that are more determining at the time of constructing the leadership.
The opinion of experts in the organizacional development exists few types of leadership. In opinion of others, nons that exist several types of leadership: the leadership is one and as the leaders are people the classifications correspond to the form as they exert or has acquired the faculty to direct, circumstances that not necessarily implies that he is a leader.
Two types of leadership that talk about varied forms of authority:
Traditional leader: he is that that inherits the power by custom or an important position, or that it belongs to a familiar group of elite that has been having the power for generations.
Legal leader: he is that that obtains the power by means of a person or a group of people with capacity, knowledge and experience to direct to the others. The legal term talks about to the laws or legal norms. A legal leader is simply that that fulfills the law. To be a leader he is requisite inevitable who fulfills her.
The leadership in itself can mean a collective group of leaders, or can mean special characteristics of a form celebrates. Also other uses for this word exist, in which the leader does not direct but that is a respect form. Along with the prestige roll that is associated inspiradoras leaders, a more superficial use of the word leadership can designate to innovating organizations those that during a period of time take the advantage in some scope. Like some corporation or product that takes the first position in some market.
Arieu defines the leader as the person able to inspire and to associate to others with a dream. For that reason it is so important that the organizations have a mission with high important content, since is a very powerful way to reinforce the leadership of its directors.

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